KFF Health Tracking Poll – October 2019: Health Care In The Democratic Debates, Congress, And The Courts October 15, 2019 Poll Finding This poll examines health care issues in the Democratic presidential primary , government negotiation of prescription drug prices, party trust on health care, Medicare-for-all, and the pending Texas v. US lawsuit affecting the Affordable Care Act and pre-existing condition protections.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – September 2019: Health Care Policy In Congress And On The Campaign Trail September 12, 2019 Poll Finding This month’s poll probes Democrats’ views about the general approaches to expanding health coverage and lowering costs put forward by the candidates; the public’s health care priorities for Congress; and views about the ACA, Medicare-for-all and a “public option” health plan.
Health Apps and Information Survey September 10, 2019 Poll Finding This poll examines the numbers of U.S. adults who use the internet or smartphone apps to research symptoms, track fitness and nutrition, manage their health insurance and health care spending, and engage in other online health-related activity.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – July 2019: The Future of the ACA and Possible Changes to the Current System, Preview of Priorities Heading Into 2nd Democratic Debate July 30, 2019 Poll Finding This month’s KFF Health Tracking Poll explores public opinion towards a government-administered public option, and finds that attitudes can change after hearing common arguments. The poll also examines the public’s views toward Medicare-for-all and the Affordable Care Act, as well as the top issues for Democrats ahead of the second round of presidential debates.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – June 2019: Health Care in the Democratic Primary and Medicare-for-all June 18, 2019 Poll Finding In anticipation of upcoming Democratic presidential debates, this poll finds that Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say that health care is a top issue they want to hear candidates talk about. When asked to say in their own words what health care issue they specifically want to hear about, affordability emerges as one of the top issues. The poll also probes the public about different possible implications of implementing a Medicare-for-all plan and finds that most Americans don’t realize how dramatically such a proposal would revamp the current health care system.
KFF Poll: Public Opinion and Knowledge on Reproductive Health Policy May 3, 2019 Poll Finding The latest KFF Poll examines the public’s attitudes towards different facets of reproductive health care in light of recent policy changes made by the Trump administration. This poll examines attitudes towards major changes to the Title X program and attitudes toward state-level laws restricting abortions after a fetal heartbeat has been detected. The poll also looks at public awareness of provisions related to women’s health that are part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Where Does Public Opinion Stand on the U.S. Role in Global Health? April 24, 2019 Poll Finding More than two years into President Trump administration’s promotion of an “America First” approach to international affairs, the April 2019 KFF Health Tracking Poll examines the public’s attitudes toward key global health issues, including views on the U.S. role in world affairs and global health, and support for global health spending.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – April 2019: Surprise Medical Bills and Public’s View of the Supreme Court and Continuing Protections for People With Pre-Existing Conditions April 24, 2019 Poll Finding The April 2019 KFF Health Tracking Poll examines the public’s position on the future of ACA and its protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions, in light of the ongoing legal battle which may end up in the Supreme Court. With lawmakers proposing legislation to address surprise medical bills, this month’s survey also measures the public’s support for federal government action to protect patients from having to pay the cost incurred from an inadvertent out-of-network provider.
KFF Health Tracking Poll – March 2019: Public Opinion on the Domestic HIV Epidemic, Affordable Care Act, and Medicare-for-all March 26, 2019 Poll Finding This poll explores the public’s attitudes towards, and experiences with, HIV/AIDS in the U.S. in light of President Trump’s announcement of his plan to significantly reduce new HIV infections in the U.S. within ten years. The poll also probes the public on why they may support or oppose a national health plan and find that people’s responses tend to echo the messages emphasized by both sides of the debate.
Data Note: Public’s Experiences With Electronic Health Records March 18, 2019 Poll Finding This data note uses data from the January 2019 KFF Health Tracking Poll to examine the public’s attitudes toward and experiences with electronic health records (EHR). Nearly 9 in 10 say their physician uses an EHR, and this raises some concerns about privacy issues and impacts on quality of care. About one in five say that they or a family member have noticed an error in their personal medical information in their EHR.