Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — September 2011 September 1, 2011 Poll Finding The September tracking poll examines public opinion about the “super committee” and explores the views and experience of individuals who have pre-existing health conditions, in addition to continuing tracking opinion about the health reform law. Findings from the poll include: Most Americans express doubt that the congressional super committee can…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — August 2011 August 1, 2011 Poll Finding The August tracking poll examines the views of Americans without health insurance, with a particular focus on how they think the health reform law will affect them. Findings from the poll include: Although estimates are that 32 million uninsured Americans will gain coverage under the ACA, only about half of…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — July 2011 July 1, 2011 Poll Finding Health care, and particularly Medicare and Medicaid, continue to play a role in the national discussion over the federal budget deficit. In the midst of this debate, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking poll finds that Americans of all political stripes see a role for both spending reductions and tax increases…
A Brief Look at Americans’ Perceptions of the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic July 1, 2011 Poll Finding This Data Note, using data from a national survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS released in June 2011, examines trends in the public’s perception of HIV/AIDS as a global problem. Overall, survey trends show that Americans view HIV/AIDS as a more pressing health problem for the world than for the U.S.,…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — June 2011 June 2, 2011 Poll Finding The June Kaiser Health Tracking Poll examines the opinions of seniors and the public about Medicare and the federal budget deficit, a topic of heightened interest these days as policymakers in Washington focus on ways to bring down Medicare spending as part of efforts to reduce the deficit. The poll…
2011 Survey of DC Residents June 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation partnered to conduct a survey examining the opinions of Washington, D.C., residents on a wide range of issues including health care. This survey is the 22nd in a series of surveys dating back to 1995 that have been conducted as part of…
Most Americans Oppose Converting Medicaid to a Block Grant in Order to Reduce the Federal Deficit May 24, 2011 Poll Finding
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — May 2011 May 1, 2011 Poll Finding Most Americans oppose the idea of converting Medicaid to block grant financing to reduce the federal deficit, and more than half want to see no reductions at all in Medicaid spending. One in five adults has received Medicaid benefits over time, and for most, experiences were positive, although one third…
The Digital Divide And Access To Health Information Online April 1, 2011 Poll Finding The Affordable Care Act (ACA) calls for a number of web-based initiatives, including development of the website healthcare.gov which provides a variety of health information and helps individuals find coverage options. Therefore, understanding the level and quality of Internet access among those groups most likely to benefit from reform, such…
Trends in the Use of Hospital and Provider Quality Ratings April 1, 2011 Poll Finding With a renewed emphasis on health care quality driven by the Affordable Care Act, this polling data note examines historical trends in Americans’ reliance on quality ratings and how their perceptions have changed over time. Data Note (.pdf)