Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Surveys of Latinos November 23, 2003 Poll Finding The surveys conducted under this ongoing partnership are designed to gain a deeper understanding of the Hispanic population in the United States. The Pew Hispanic Center is a non-partisan research center supported by a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts of Philadelphia. The Center is a project of the University…
Health News Index Trends 1996-2002 September 30, 2003 Poll Finding In 2003, researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health completed an analysis of trends in attention to and knowledge about health news using data from all Health News Index tracking surveys between 1996 and 2002. The resulting article, “Health News and the American Public, 1996-2002,”…
The Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Medicare Prescription Drug Survey – Toplines September 2, 2003 Poll Finding These toplines are part of a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health that examines public opinion on the Medicare prescription drug debate. The survey, a follow-up to a broader, more comprehensive survey released in June 2003 about the Medicare program and proposed changes, finds…
Health News Index – May/June 2003 June 29, 2003 Poll Finding Health News Index May/June, 2003 The Health News Index measures public attention to and knowledge about leading health stories covered in the news between May 1-30. The Health News Index is designed to help news media and people in the health field gain a better understanding of which health stories…
Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey of the Public’s Views on Medicare May 31, 2003 Poll Finding Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health National Survey of the Public’s Views on MedicareA new national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health examines the public’s attitudes and opinions on issues related to the Medicare reform and prescription drug debate. The survey also…
Women’s Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Emergency Contraception May 31, 2003 Poll Finding Women’s Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Emergency ContraceptionThis survey snapshot is an update on women’s health care providers’ experiences with emergency contraception (EC). It provides information on prescribing practices and counseling for EC and views on increasing access to EC. Survey Snapshot: Women’s Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Emergency Contraception
National Survey of Women’s Health Care Providers on Reproductive Health: Emergency Contraception May 30, 2003 Poll Finding National Survey of Women’s Health Care Providers on Reproductive Health: Emergency ContraceptionThe Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2001 National Survey of Women’s Health Care Providers on Reproductive Health is a national random-sample survey of 790 physicians, including 595 obstetrician and gynecologists and 195 family practice physicians, internists, and general practitioners.Toplines/Survey: National Survey…
Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Outreach and Enrollment in Medicare Savings Programs May 1, 2003 Poll Finding Medicaid Programs to Assist Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries: Outreach and Enrollment in Medicare Savings ProgramsA new study examines five states’ efforts to bolster enrollment in their Medicare Savings Programs for Medicare beneficiaries who qualify for Medicaid assistance with their premiums and co-insurance.Through the Medicare Savings Programs, Medicaid plays an important role…
Survey on Youth and the Internet in the Silicon Valley April 30, 2003 Poll Finding A survey by the San Jose Mercury News and the Kaiser Family Foundation explores the access and use of computers and the Internet among 10 to 17 year olds living in Silicon Valley. The survey was released in a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News beginning on…