National Survey on Public Perceptions about Contraception January 2, 1996 Poll Finding A national random-sample telephone survey conducted between January 19-21, 1996 on Americans perceptions of the risks and benefits associated with oral contraceptives, or The Pill. The survey finds that many American men and women have at least some concerns about the safety of oral contraceptives. These findings were presented at…
The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic Society November 30, 1995 Poll Finding The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic SocietyThis report is the first of a series of surveys conducted jointly by The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University examining public knowledge, values and beliefs on major issues and challenges facing our nation, such as…
Public Attitudes Toward Welfare and Reform: A Focus Group Report October 30, 1995 Poll Finding Public Attitudes Toward Welfare and Reform: A Focus Group ReportThis focus group report provides further insight on some of the findings from a nationwide survey on welfare released by the Kaiser Family Foundation in March 1995 (#1045). This survey suggests that citizens are more concerned with the moral underpinnings of…
A National Household Survey of Health Inequalities in South Africa (2 volumes) – Toplines/Survey September 29, 1995 Poll Finding A National Household Survey of Health Inequalities in South Africa (2 volumes) The first democratically elected government in South Africa has made improving health and health services for the historically underserved black majority a national priority. As part of this process, in June 1995, the Minister of Health, Dr. Nkosazana…
National Survey Of Obstetricians/Gynecologists On Contraception And Unplanned Pregnancy: Attitudes And Practices With Regard To Abortion August 30, 1995 Poll Finding National Survey Of Obstetricians/Gynecologists On Contraception And Unplanned Pregnancy: Attitudes And Practices With Regard To Abortion The survey findings show only one third of obstetricians/gynecologists practicing today perform abortions. Younger doctors, doctors in multi-specialty group practices, and doctors practicing in the South and Midwest are among those least likely to…
National Survey of Public Opinion on Welfare: Views of Americans With or Without Welfare Experience February 27, 1995 Poll Finding National Survey of Public Opinion on Welfare: Views of Americans With or Without Welfare ExperienceA report from the Kaiser-Harvard program on the Public and Health/Social Policy on differences in opinions of Americans with welfare experience compared with those without such experience on the welfare system and welfare reform. This report…
The New American Electorate and Health Reform January 30, 1995 Poll Finding An analysis of the electorate and health reform that considers how American voters’ values influenced their support or opposition toward health reform proposals and how those attitudes shifted over the course of the debate.
Survey on Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy in the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands December 30, 1994 Poll Finding The three separate random-sample telephone surveys of adults ages 18 and older living in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, designed by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation in association with Louis Harris and Associates, Inc and conducted in 1995. The surveys were conducted to assess differences in public…
National Survey of Public Knowledge of Welfare Reform and the Federal Budget December 30, 1994 Poll Finding Survey Shows “Two Faces” Of Public Opinion On Welfare Reform Americans Support Time Limits and Tough Work Requirements, But Reluctant to Abandon Those In Need Public Defines Welfare Broadly Understands Key Details of Welfare Programs Embargoed for release: 9:00 a.m. EST, Thursday, January 12, 1995 For further information contact: Matt…
National Survey on Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy 1995 December 30, 1994 Poll Finding Nationwide surveys have explored public opinion on these issues, but few surveys have measured the public’s knowledge of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, contraceptive methods and other related topics. The Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned a survey of Americans to identify where the gaps and misperceptions exist in the public’s knowledge of reproductive…