The Role of Medicare and Beneficiaries in the Deficit-Reduction Debate June 1, 2011 Event This Kaiser Family Foundation briefing examined how Medicare reform options now under consideration might work and their implications for beneficiaries and taxpayers. As context for understanding the potential effects of reforms, the briefing looked at the current and projected income and assets of people on Medicare, out-of pocket health care…
How is the U.S. Global Health Initiative Changing What Happens in the Field? May 25, 2011 Event The Kaiser Family Foundation held a May 25 briefing to explore the rollout of the U.S. government’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) on the ground, with a particular focus on the recently released GHI country-level strategies. The briefing examined progress and challenges in translating the GHI in the field and next…
Keeping Coverage Continuous: Smoothing the Path between Medicaid and the Exchange May 20, 2011 Event A key challenge for those implementing the reform law is how to manage churning, when people cycle in and out of public programs as their income varies. What approaches are states and the federal government taking to minimize the disruption from churning? Will people be able to keep their provider…
Accountable Care Organizations: A New Paradigm for Health Care Delivery? May 13, 2011 Event The health reform law of 2010 authorizes Medicare, beginning next year, to contract with accountable care organizations (ACOs) in a Medicare Shared Savings Program. ACOs provide financial incentives to improve the coordination and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries, while reducing costs. But providers have raised red flags, saying the…
Public Reporting of Quality Outcomes: What’s the Best Path Forward? April 27, 2011 Event The Affordable Care Act aims to promote higher quality care in part by rewarding – and eventually requiring – the reporting of certain quality measures. Previous efforts suggest that public reporting can add significant value. Yet there are concerns about the best way to measure outcomes and quality, the possible…
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: HHS’ Action Plan to Reduce Health Disparities April 25, 2011 Event Today’s Topics in Health Disparities webcast examined the new Department of Health and Human Services’ Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. The program addressed the contents of the strategy and its timeline for implementation as well as its implications for providers. The panelists also discussed how the…
Congress and Global Health: What Lies Ahead? April 21, 2011 Event This April 21 In Focus webcast features an expert panel examining the new legislative landscape of the 112th Congress and what the current budget battles mean for U.S. global health programs.
Community Coalitions: Pursuing Better Quality Health Care One Locality at a Time April 15, 2011 Event Stakeholders in dozens of communities around the nation are taking action to improve quality of care locally by engaging in one or more collaborations. What does each program offer? What goals do they have in common? How do they relate to a national quality strategy? This briefing, cosponsored by the…
The State of Children’s Health, Care and Coverage April 4, 2011 Event A record 90 percent of children now have health coverage – more than a third of whom are covered by Medicaid and CHIP. Yet about 7.5 million children remain uninsured, including 5 million who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP but not enrolled. Who are the at-risk kids? How are…
Kaiser/CSIS Forum with South African Minister of Health March 29, 2011 Event This forum featuring the South African Minister of Health, The Hon. Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, examines the South African government’s efforts to more effectively manage the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as other systems-wide management and financing reforms underway to achieve greater affordability, improved efficiency and better health outcomes. The forum was…