Briefing – Medicare: A Primer March 11, 2011 Event This briefing provided an overview of the Medicare program and its role in the health care system. Panelists discussed who is eligible for Medicare, what benefits are covered and how the program is administered. Medicare financing and the program’s role in health reform was also explained. More information on Medicare…
Medicaid: A Primer on the Federal-State Partnership March 4, 2011 Event This briefing provided an overview of the Medicaid program and its role in the health care system. Panelists discussed who is eligible for Medicaid, what benefits are covered, how the program is administered. Medicaid financing and the program’s role in health reform was also explained. More information on Medicaid from…
Town Hall Forum: GHI Executive Director Lois Quam on the Future of the Global Health Initiative March 1, 2011 Event On March 1, 2011, the Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a town hall-style forum with Lois Quam, the newly appointed Executive Director of the Global Health Initiative (GHI), to listen to global health community perspectives on the progress of the initiative to date and discuss what the future of the U.S.…
Shared Medical Decision Making: We’re in This Together February 14, 2011 Event In recent years, awareness of the patient’s important role in managing his or her own care has been steadily growing—fed not only by such trends as the proliferation of health information on the internet and direct-to-consumer advertising, but also by the emerging science of patient-centered decision making. One way to…
New Resources & Briefing Examine Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports January 30, 2011 Event The following resources by the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) examine the latest data findings regarding Medicaid’s long-term services and supports for seniors and people with disabilities. The materials were released at a public briefing in the Foundation’s Washington, D.C. offices that featured an expert…
Boomers Come of Age: Covering Early Retirees and Other 50-64 Year-Olds January 24, 2011 Event The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act contains provisions that can help workers age 50-64 if they lose their jobs and their employer-sponsored health benefits, such as incentives for employers to maintain retiree benefits. This briefing, cosponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and AARP, answered many questions about provisions…
Medicaid and CHIP Coverage In An Era of Recession and Health Reform December 31, 2010 Event Despite tight budgets, nearly all states maintained or made targeted expansions or improvements in their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) eligibility and enrollment rules in 2010, preserving the programs’ important role of providing coverage to millions of low-income Americans who otherwise lack affordable options. This stability in large…
Innovations in Primary Care: What’s in the ACA? December 13, 2010 Event The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims to move the health care system away from an episodic, fee-for-service approach and towards a coordinated, preventive model of care delivery. Exactly how does the law encourage innovations in primary care? What roles will states and purchasers of care play in this…
Trends in Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: The Impact of the Economy December 6, 2010 Event The rising number of uninsured, who they are and how they might obtain health insurance coverage were much debated during the consideration and passage of health reform in the last year. Panelists at this briefing examined the recent health insurance coverage numbers and trends, what they mean, who the newly…
The Health Workforce Dream Team: Who Will Provide the Care? December 2, 2010 Event Many providers and policymakers envision team-based care as an important way to improve quality and maximize resources. The “dream team” includes nurses and many other non-physician providers. But how will we ensure enough health care workers for a growing, aging population with ever-increasing chronic care needs? This December 2 briefing,…